TTC track work at King and Sumach Streets – August 2022

TTC Toronto Transit logo

Toronto Transit will be conducting track work at the intersection of King and Sumach Streets from mid-August into early September 2022.

Traffic restrictions include:
King Street East
During the first 1.5 to 2 weeks (Phase 1):
~No east-west traffic through the King and Sumach intersection.
~Local traffic only between Percy Street and St. Lawrence Street to the limits of construction.

During the remainder of construction (Phase 2):
~Westbound travel through the King and Sumach intersection will be available.

Sumach Street north of King Street East
During the first 1.5 to 2 weeks (Phase 1):
Vehicles travelling south on Sumach Street from Queen Street will only be able turn south-to-east to travel eastbound on King Street East.

During the remainder of construction (Phase 2):
~ Vehicles travelling south on Sumach Street from Queen Street will only be able to turn south-to-west to travel westbound on King Street East.

Sumach Street south of King Street East
For the duration of construction:
~ Local access only north of Eastern Avenue to the limits of construction.
~ No access through the King and Sumach intersection.

Download official notice here:
TTC Notice – King and Sumach intersection work – August 2022